Unethical Behavior – Slacking Off

Unethical Behavior

Employees with good ethics are extremely important to a business. It is the secret behind a successful business. Employees who are socially responsible generally work well in a team atmosphere and they also make better decisions for the business and the public. The issue of good ethics was addressed in the article “The Slippery Slope of Getting Away with the Small Stuff” by Bryan Borzykowski. In his article, he addressed to problems every business faces, employees who commit unethical acts at work, such as slacking off. In Freeman’s video, he also addressed to the problem that some employees do not give their 100% at work. In my opinion, this is a major problem for businesses. Employees who give 80% of what they are capable of doing at work will slowly give 70%, to 60%. This problem was referred to as the “slippery-slope effect” in Borzykowski’s article. If a business has employees who slack off, the business will be less likely to bloom because its workforce is not being 100% productive. Also, employees who see other employees get away with what they are doing will also do the same, contributing to a steady decline of productivity in a business.

Source: http://www.bbc.com/capital/story/20140806-the-slippery-slope

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