Taseko Mines’ New Prosperity Mine

Taseko Mines has recently hit a wall in their expansion project. With the federal cabinet’s “thumbs down” with their plan of building a new mine, New Prosperity Mine, by Fish Lake, it seems to me that their plan for a new mine can never make it past the drawing board.

Tsilhqot’in first nations currently has title to 1,750 square kilometers of land west of Williams Lake and they  are set upon including Fish Lake into their boundary, claiming that the lake is essential for maintaining wildlife habitat. Although this claim is unilateral for now, if the government grants them the rights to include Fish Lake into their tribal park, then Taseko Mines new project will never be approved.

Picture of Fish Lake

Taseko Mines is currently filing a lawsuit against the federal government, claiming that public officials have been influenced by external factors when making their ruling. I agree with the company that there has been something fishy going on behind the scenes. Tsilhqot’in first nations claim on Fish Lake could be influencing the public officials’ decision, since there should be no other reason as to why the federal government would reject Taseko Mines’ new project. The company’s new project has already been approved of by the provincial government and has support from many communities.

The lawsuit will move forward on October 22, 2014 and the result for this lawsuit can affect the entire mining industry.






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