Facebook Releasing Your Data to Millions of Others

Source: https://blogs.ubc.ca/blessiecanete/2014/09/28/facebook-releasing-your-data-to-   millions-of-others/

After reading Blessie’s blog about Facebook, I completely agree with her view that their new ad platform, Atlas, is going to invade the privacy of users. Recently, I watched a video about a social media experiment. In this video, after searching for people on social media websites through current locations, a guy would randomly go up to the “victim” and start listing out his/her name, occupation, birthdays, pets, and all kinds of personal information. If anyone can search up this much information about a stranger on social media websites, it is hard to imagine what kind of information Atlas can collect and give out to other companies. Releasing these types of information to thousands of companies is basically like putting up all the information about a user onto a billboard, available for everyone to see. Just like what Blessie said, Atlas will be very useful for companies, but for users like us, it will be considered as a major violation of  privacy.

Source for Video: http://www.businessinsider.com/jack-vale-social-media-experiment-2013-11

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