Response to – Should Parents Be Paying for Your Education?

After reading my fellow classmate, Richard Lee’s blog post regarding this issue, I was interested to research this because it directly applies to me. Richard’s suggestions were spot on, but one of his recommendations was to apply for student loans. I decided to dive into that topic a bit more because I’m not knowledgeable about it but many of my classmates have used this resource to lessen their/their parent’s financial burden.

This article talks about reasons why parents taking out loans for their children is the worst mistake to make. From Parent PLUS Loans to private student loans, there are several type of loans to choose from, but no matter which type of loan parents go for, it is always a bad idea to borrow money under their name. They are not eligible for most things on the Student Loan Forgiveness list, such as the “Pay As You Earn” program. These programs are created to ease the fees students have to pay back and make it a more gradual process.

However, there are many better options to taking out student loans. Taking on a job, applying for scholarships and grants, and starting the college path early on by tacking on high school classes that can be counted for college credits. There are a variety of creative methods to graduate debt free, but they all require students to take initiative and responsibility for their own education.


BC Hydro vs. First Nations

Being heavily relied on as British Columbia’s largest electricity distributor, BC Hydro is always on the prowl for new opportunities to expand its projects in order to provide even more electricity to meet the long-term demands of the citizens in this province. It is currently aiming to get its latest project “Site C” approved by federal government but there is strong opposition coming from Aboriginal delegates. From the video posted on the Site C project website ( we are told that the project will not have a great impact on the environment (“subject to environmental certifications and approval”) and the Aboriginal community (“fulfilling to consult with first nations.”) However, in this article, we learn that in the process of construction, farmlands and wildlife habitats will be sabotaged, disrupting our ecosystem. On top of that the project will interfere with Aboriginal activities like fishing, hunting and conducting ceremonies.

Although this project will satisfy the growing demand for electricity, I think it is crucial to respect the voices of the original landowners. This land is not only home but also the site of thousand years old of tradition and story. The value of the land is significantly greater to the Aboriginal people than to BC Hydro. Growing up in Shanghai, I watched hundreds of homes get demolished for corporate needs and not only is it a disrespect for the original inhabitants but its a disrespect to culture and the past.



NastyGal; from dumpster diving teen to Multi-millionaire CEO

After seeing countless copies of #GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso (owner of online clothing store NastyGal) in bookstores around Asia and Canada, I thought I would dive deeper on how this e-commerce company started and became an global success.

Background about NastyGal; Amoruso started off selling on Ebay vintage pieces she got cheaply from thrift stores and her customers expanded and now is recognized internationally as a reliable place to shop for the top edgy trends.

I first heard about this website through a friend when I was desperately trying to find a dress for Prom. Upon browsing through the website, I have noticed that they really pay good attention to pictures and headings and I was quickly captivated by how nicely website looked. It truly changes the shopping experience and I would always browse their Instagram/Twitter too even when I’m not shopping for anything in particular. It’s obvious that this brand focuses a lot on customer service because when I received my parcel, it contained a note and everything was nicely packaged. This type of customer service generates customer loyalty and through social media, customers are able to share their experiences with this brand. I sincerely believe that spending more time developing great relationship with customers will pay off in the long run.


Source (picture acquired from this website too)

Hotel Renovation based on Online Reviews

For hotel managers nowadays, monitoring review sites (like TripAdvisor and Yelp!) is just as important as monitoring the entire hotel operations team. As our world become increasingly more globalized and with information traveling at the speed of sound, it is important for hotels to have a good rating on such websites because us tourists check these reviews before deciding to stay. I can say with certainty that before I decide to stay at a hotel or visit a destination, I google the hotel/tourist site and check what other tourists have to say about the place. If it is consistently dragged down by bad reviews, I would think twice before spending money and time on this place. This article by NYTimes opened my mind because it never occurred to me that workers at the hotel use these websites as much as tourists do. Since one bad rating can truly kill a hotel’s reputation, managers are better at taking note of areas of complaint and investing on renovations accordingly. These review sites ensure in a win-win for both customers and hotel workers because hotels will constantly know which areas to improve on (equals a better experience for customer) and the customers will in return write a beautiful review, driving more and more people to stay at the said hotel.



Start-Up Companies seize legalization of Marijuana Opportunities

Since the legalization of medical and recreational marijuana in several states in America, a number of small businesses have seized this opportunity to create products and services in this relatively foreign industry. In the article I read, it focuses on a company owned by Garett Fortune called “Funksac,” which produces odor-proof and child-resistant bags specifically for putting marijuana in. Dispensaries at 17 of the 22 marijuana-legal states have placed orders for the product, showing how highly demanded it is. Fortune took initiative to start this company because the Cannabis industry is largely reign by small companies due to the fact that marijuana is only recently legalized, there is still a stigma associated with the drug (which discourages big companies to link themselves with it) and the legality of marijuana varies from state to state (preventing large nation-wide companies to take part). Relating to what we learned about positioning and value propositions in Class 8, since there is less competition in this industry as of now, it is easier for small companies to establish their products and actually be able to position their company to be number one on the “ladder” in the minds of consumers.

FunkSac Bags

FunkSac Bags

Original Article (image retrieved from the original article website as well)


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