Hotel Renovation based on Online Reviews

For hotel managers nowadays, monitoring review sites (like TripAdvisor and Yelp!) is just as important as monitoring the entire hotel operations team. As our world become increasingly more globalized and with information traveling at the speed of sound, it is important for hotels to have a good rating on such websites because us tourists check these reviews before deciding to stay. I can say with certainty that before I decide to stay at a hotel or visit a destination, I google the hotel/tourist site and check what other tourists have to say about the place. If it is consistently dragged down by bad reviews, I would think twice before spending money and time on this place. This article by NYTimes opened my mind because it never occurred to me that workers at the hotel use these websites as much as tourists do. Since one bad rating can truly kill a hotel’s reputation, managers are better at taking note of areas of complaint and investing on renovations accordingly. These review sites ensure in a win-win for both customers and hotel workers because hotels will constantly know which areas to improve on (equals a better experience for customer) and the customers will in return write a beautiful review, driving more and more people to stay at the said hotel.



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