NastyGal; from dumpster diving teen to Multi-millionaire CEO

After seeing countless copies of #GirlBoss by Sophia Amoruso (owner of online clothing store NastyGal) in bookstores around Asia and Canada, I thought I would dive deeper on how this e-commerce company started and became an global success.

Background about NastyGal; Amoruso started off selling on Ebay vintage pieces she got cheaply from thrift stores and her customers expanded and now is recognized internationally as a reliable place to shop for the top edgy trends.

I first heard about this website through a friend when I was desperately trying to find a dress for Prom. Upon browsing through the website, I have noticed that they really pay good attention to pictures and headings and I was quickly captivated by how nicely website looked. It truly changes the shopping experience and I would always browse their Instagram/Twitter too even when I’m not shopping for anything in particular. It’s obvious that this brand focuses a lot on customer service because when I received my parcel, it contained a note and everything was nicely packaged. This type of customer service generates customer loyalty and through social media, customers are able to share their experiences with this brand. I sincerely believe that spending more time developing great relationship with customers will pay off in the long run.


Source (picture acquired from this website too)

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