Jacqueline DeSantis's ASTU Blog

Final Blog Post!!!

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Recently in my ASTU class we’ve read Hamid’s The Reluctant Fundamentalist  and a critical article by Peter Morey that breaks down the book’s the form and function. Of all the articles we’ve read this year I’d have to say Morey’s and Butler’s chapter are a tie for me (not surprisingly they deal with similar ideas). When I first read Hamid’s book my initial complaint was that I hated the dramatic monologue set up, it reminded me too much of the first scene in Aladdin where a mysterious Arabian man draws in…read more


Mostly Just Questions

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Today in my CAP program our entire stream was presented with a group lecture from our three professors plus a TA on the black lives matter movement. The discussion that followed our small group discussions was great but talking about such a racially charged movement got me thinking coincidentally about the paper I’m writing for geography. I’m writing a social, cultural, and political analysis centered around Hurricane Katrina focuses heavily on racial inequality exacerbated by the storm. Todays discussion got me wondering about questions we’ve raised on a theoretical level…read more


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