Review of the Term

The BlackBerry project has been fun and useful this term. I normally have a strong dislike for marketing projects, because there was always a need for creativity, group work, and presentations. This term I was able to have a topic that I really enjoyed and am interested in, which made the project much easier to complete. I think that I only become creative if I’m enthusiastic and interested in something. My experience with group work hasn’t been pleasant in university, until now, my group mates were helpful and supportive of each other. My group was also very studious in completing individual parts of assignments. The project having the final assignment as a video really helped me out. I found it much easier to be creative and do things that I normally wouldn’t think of doing in a presentation. There were time when my team couldn’t all meet together and work on the project, but Facebook solved that problem for us. We were able to notify each other online and delegate tasks efficiently. Every member was cooperative and willing to work on which ever part was assigned to them. We were successful at managing our time and prioritizing tasks for the team. We were always trying to finish assignments a few days before the deadline to give the team less stress and allow for edits. The video was fun to make and the ideas we all contributed was an interesting and entertaining experience. Everyone was cooperative and the video was recorded successfully in a day. Big thanks to Andrew Jenkins for providing a camera, which saved us the trouble of renting one. Marketing was a fun class and professor Silva’s stories and examples are very interesting, even though I might be quiet in class I definitely paid attention to his stories.