Assignment 3:7 — What we really need is a garden

For my pages, I chose location 358 to location 419, since I’m using an ebook version of the novel. (The) First Woman My first thought upon reading “first woman” was of the biblical character Eve, but as Jane Flick notes, the First Woman plays a central role in the creation of Turtle Island after she …

Assignment 3:5 — Maps of meaning

There is more than one way to map, and just as this novel plays with conflicting story traditions, I think King is also playing with conflicting ways to chart territory. What do you think lies at the centre of King’s mapping metaphor? Maps are inherently political, and I think it is a purposeful choice that …

Midterm evaluation

For the midterm evaluation I’ve chosen to submit the following three blog posts: Assignment 2:4 — First contact In this post I wrote about the assumptions John Sutton Lutz makes about his readers. Assignment 2:6 — Authenticity In this post I wrote about the concept of authenticity as it relates to Indigenous knowledge and how …

Assignment 3:2 — White civility

For this blog assignment, I would like you to research and summarize one of the state or governing activities, such as The Royal Proclamation 1763, the Indian Act 1876, Immigration Act 1910, or the Multiculturalism Act 1989 – you choose the legislation or policy or commission you find most interesting. Write a blog about your …

Assignment 2:4 — First contact

Question 3: Lutz makes an assumption about his readers (Lutz, “First Contact” 32). He asks us to begin with the assumption that comprehending the performances of the Indigenous participants is “one of the most obvious difficulties.” He explains that this is so because “one must of necessity enter a world that is distant in time …

Assignment 2:3 — Home stories

I’ve found that most other students described home as I did — as a collection of feelings, less than one specific place. Often, a geographic location will play into those feelings, but home is less about being in that location than the feeling one associates with it. For instance, Nicole Diaz, who has traveled extensively, wrote …

Assignment 2:2 — Home

I moved around a lot as a kid. I wasn’t a military brat or anything, we were just relatively poor and always seeking out the cheapest rent within the same small town. When I say “relatively” poor, I mean it. We always had enough food to eat. Most anywhere else in Canada (or the world), …

Assignment 1:5 — How evil came into the world

In the old times, when cave people weren’t hunting or being chased by predators, they sat around the fire and shared facts. They would have told stories, but they didn’t know what those were yet. So they shared things that they knew had happened. “Kog hunt big cat.” “Ape bite Grog face.” Then one day, …

Assignment 1:1 — An introduction

Hi there! My name’s Jack Hauen. I’m very excited to be sharing this course with you all. I grew up in North Vancouver and have attended UBC since 2013. I know, I’m ancient. I’ve taken such a long time to graduate because I’ve spent the vast majority of my time at the Ubyssey, the student newspaper …