Green is Good?

In a harsh and competitive environment, animals must be highly aware of their environment and adopt. Similarly, a company must do the same in order to survive in the business world. A shift in trend or culture value could be the end of many businesses; however it could bring opportunities at the same time. As common knowledge stated, the world has limit resources and the world’s population is expected to grow substantially. This worldwide issue dwells in the minds of many people. Thus, one of the biggest trends in business is “going green”. According to Environmental Leader news; “82 percent of consumers buy green”. The shape of current U.S. economy is unpredictable, yet four out of five Americans would still buy green products that costs more. The consumer spending pattern is without doubt shifting towards green. Then again, who wouldn’t be going green? From WhatTheyThink? blog, Gail Nickel-Kailing explained many key facts showing majority of the company are following the trend; from cleaning products, to electronic, to even websites.

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Like many companies that are taking the initiative, Google invests 100 million dollars in researching for sustainable energy this year. So why exactly are companies willing to spend huge amount of money to be responsible for our society so suddenly? The truth is that they would not be able to survive if they don’t. What will happen if an article publishes information showing that Google, instead, refuses from going green? For a fact, we would first assume that Google needs a new marketing director. Secondly, how many supports would Google lose if what Environmental Leader news stated was true? With these being considered, it seems that rather saying going green is good, we should admit that going green is a must for many companies in the current society.