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One ballsy ad?

2010 November 20
by Jackie Au

I came across Graeme Lee’s blogpost about the new Axe campaign, Clean Your Balls. Really, you wouldn’t believe it if I told you so I’ll just repost the video up here:

YouTube Preview Image

The guy’s face at 0:48 is priceless.

Anyway, Graeme really nailed it when he explained how the raunchy nature of this video made it downright uncomfortable to watch, which was essentially my first impression. Given that the actual televised ad was a 30 second abridgement of the video, even that I found a bit obscene. Now I know I wrote a post a while back about ads liking humourous ads (as was the case in Old Spice’s campaign), though the first 10 seconds of this ad did make me slightly giggle like a 9-year-old, they took it a bit too far.

The point being, there’s a very, very fine line between lawl and lewd.

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