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Still A Virgin?

2010 September 20
by Jackie Au

Waiting at the bus stop on Oak and Broadway the other day, I encountered a peculiar advertisement which some of you may have already seen. It was a plain, text-only ad and it went something like this:

Still a Virgin?
For help, call 1-888-743-4335
(An image of the poster can be found here.)

Note the bold, red highlight! Now my first impression was that this advertisement was for that of a prostitution service, so I paid the ad no further heed. But wait a second, I thought, that can’t be right! From my [limited] understanding of Canadian prostitution law, surely this public communication of sexual services, albeit implied, breaches multiple levels of legislation. Certainly this suggestivity could not possibly have been too subtle, especially for those uptight stooges at the Advertising Standards Bureau? I scanned for clarification in the form of small print, anything to shed some light on this twisted but completely welcome humour. Nothing.

At this point, allow me to assure you that I positively have no interest in prostitution whatsoever, and had no intention to hire an escort. But damn, did that ad stick in my mind. Eventually I went home and Googled it, found out that it’s a movie called The Virginity Hit – but that’s not the point. The point is, this overly simple text poster was able to not only harness my attention, but pique my interest in something in which I had no interest. Sounds paradoxical, sure, but that’s basically what they did. Hell, I might even go watch it now that I’ve seen the trailers for it.

Now that’s advertising.

3 Responses leave one →
  1. Rena Zhou permalink
    September 21, 2010

    I just saw this ad the other day! At first I thought it was a helpline for teens hahaha. What an interesting (and effective!) way to advertise a movie.

  2. ellingdahlen permalink
    October 1, 2010

    I saw that advertisement at a bus stop as well! I was sort of blown away by it, wondering whether it was help for teens or maybe trying to find virgins for prostitution?? I never actually took the time to google it, but in hindsight it is quite the way to grab someones attention! (as did this blog post title – Still a virgin?)…

  3. Chris permalink
    November 10, 2010

    That’s great advertising indeed! I remember something similar on a dutch movie a couple of years ago.

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