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Twitter’s I.P.O. Plan Has an International Focus


Twitter has been growing exceptionally fast over the last few years, and it has just announced its intention to go public last month. With 77 percent monthly users outside of the United States, the company aims to increase its international market share by targeting foreign countries such as Japan, France, and South Africa.

However, focusing too much on the international market could potentially cause many risks for Twitter. Based on the article, a large portion of the company’s advertising revenue comes from American users even though most Twitter users are outside the country. It is very much possible that the large percentage of foreign users is just a number on the surface and has little positive effects to the company’s strength. Furthermore, lots of foreign users still have low-cost phones that does not support Twitter’s mobile app, and this fact could easily abolish Twitter’s expansion in the smartphone platform.

Ironically, Twitter’s strength in international market share is also its weakness. The company should stabilize the roots in America and balance its revenue internationally. This way, it would be easier for Twitter to become a dominant social network around the globe.

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