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Forbes explores sale

The power of electronic media is again confirmed as Forbes Media, the third largest U.S. business magazine, explore the possible sale of the company. According to the article, the company’s ad revenue for the first 9 months of the year fell 7.5%, and ad pages in the print edition decreased 12.5%. A list of print properties being sold is also included in the article such as Amazon founder Jeff Bezos buying the Washington Post for $250 million and New York Times Co. selling Boston Globe for only $70 million to Boston Red Sox owner John Henry.

This trend is more or less influenced by the advancing technology of online information database. More and more individuals started to surf online information in the modern world, and most individuals cannot even live normally without Internet at home. Not only is the data free-to-pay, the speed to access the web is much greater than accessing printed information. Thus, it can be said that online database has become the most convenient place to search information nowadays. Further expansions in this area can possibly dominate the printing industry completely, bringing a revolution to ways of obtaining information in the future.

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