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Clarence Lam’s Blog: Superstar Google

Although Clarence has a good point, Google does have its own downside from seeking a little too much self-interest. Recently, Google has linked Youtube with Google Plus accounts. One must sign into their Google Plus account to comment on Youtube and access pretty much everything else on the website, as described in the article.

It is clear that Google is forcing Youtubers to use its Google+, trying to gain more market share in the area of social network. If this is not an action of proceeding self-interesting, what is? Not only does this new requirement upset numerous commenters and video creators on Youtube, it might as well damage the reputation of the world’s number one search engine. According to the article Google Forces YouTube Account Linking, Google is creating more restrictions in hopes of cleaning up the mess of comments on Youtube, but there is a higher chance of Youtubers viewing it differently. It is possible for this simple restriction to have a reverse effect on Google by upsetting and bringing Youtube users out of the game.

The fact of Google doing good deeds are unchangeable, but in my opinion, Google still needs to take some steps to truly become a social enterprise.

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