Peter Nowak had posted a blog post on Canadian Business recently about “Sony visor is in- your- face 3D, on your face”. He had discussed about how Sony actually put its 3D visor into production and also mentioned about the function and feature of the new Sony product. Although the 3D visor will be selling in the market in short period of time, there are still a few downside of this product.
After reading through this blog post, I found it how amazing is the technology in nowadays. How innovation of technology is improving everyday and even every second. By being as a business student, I understand the importance of innovation for a company especially in the technology industry. In order not to get eliminates by others competitors and stays strong in the industry.
Although there are still quite a bit of downside of 3D visor, yet I think they totally are going on a right track of being creative and innovative in order to stay strong in such a competitive industry. Moreover, Sony does think for their consumer points of view by considering on those people who live in a small apartment and not disturbing others.