Reading Review Blog Post – Part B

When researching on “multiliteracies”, the first resource I would think of is the New Learning Online Website ( I was introduced to the term “multiliteracies” as the videos on the website were required resources for one of the LLED course I studied. As my inquiry focuses on the “how”: how to teach “multiliteracies”, I watched the video series “Multiliteracies in Actions” again to see examples of activities primary teachers used in class to foster multiliteracies.

Multiliteracies – Videos

Thereafter, I googled the word “multiliteracies” and found a few academic articles with a focus on the practice of teaching multiliteracies in the classroom.

  • Biswas, Shampa. “How to Teach Multiliteracies?” The Canadian Journal for Teacher Research, 3 July 2014. Web. 26 Sept. 2015.

Comment: Biswas had quote Newman’s (2002) suggestion of the four component in teaching multiliteracies:
– Situated practice: Teacher-led activities to encourage meaningful learning of primary knowledge.
– Overt instruction: Teacher guides students’ exploration of
learning using different tools and techniques.
– Critical framing: Teacher facilitating critical analysis of information.
– Transformation action: Teacher helping students in transforming information into personal knowledge.
This article is a quick read, and I found the four component could possibly be my guide in lesson planning.

  • Main, Kristin L. (2011) “Mapping Multiliteracies onto the Pedagogy of K-12 Teachers.” University of Toronto. Web. 26 Sept. 2015

Comment: It is a qualitative research of multiliteracies in teacher’s pedagogy. I
had a glimpse of only the abstract of the thesis, and I am interested in the teachers testimonies of their practice in teaching multilitereacies. This thesis is put into my reading list for later read.
I also did my research on the UBC library website, and found a few useful resources.

  • Lotherington, H. (2011). Pedagogy of Multiliteracies: rewriting Godilocks. New York: Routledge.

Comment: This is a book located in the UBC education library. I have only read the summary provided by the publisher. It is a classroom-based, 5 years research on the pedagogy of multiliteracies. I am interested in this book because “Godliocks and the Three Bears” is my favourite story that I used regularly for drama and sound effect creation using music instruments. I am expecting to get new ideas through the testimony of the teacher’s trial and error, new ideas that would help me in re-designing my lesson to foster multiliteracies.

  • Natalie Cooper , Lori Lockyer & Ian Brown (2013) Developing multiliteracies in a technology-mediated environment, Educational Media International, 50:2, 93-107, DOI: 10.1080/09523987.2013.795350

Comment: It is a descriptive article on an educational program named “Making News Today.” The program starts with facilitating students in analyzing the presentation of news via different media types, such as television, print, online, etc. Eventually, the students were guided in producing their own news report. The table on page 6 shows a summary of activities in the program, and it works as a reference for me in my lesson planning.

  • Dallacqua, K., Kersten, S., & Rhoades, M. (2015). Using Shaun Tan’s work to foster multiliteracies in 21st-Century classrooms. The Reading Teacher, 69(2), 207-217. doi:10.1002. Web. 26 Sept. 2015
  • Barton, G., & Unsworth, L. (2014). Music, multiliteracies and multimodality: Exploring the book and movie versions of Shaun Tan’s ‘The lost thing’. Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, 37(1). Web. 26 Sept. 2015

Comment: The above two articles show the study of multiliteracies using Shaun Tan’s work, either using the book or the movie based on his book. The second article has exactly what I was searching for: an analysis of the music track and the influence of music on visual interpretation. I have never read Shaun Tan’s “The Lost Thing” and have not watched the movie. Therefore, I googled “Shaun Tan” and found his website ( which has the movie versions of “The Lost Thing” and some other books of his (

Throughout my research, I have found some other interesting articles focusing on the teaching of multiliteracies, and also articles on music & multiliteracies. However, I think I should stop here, or else, my blog post would be too long.


Filed under Reading Review Blog Post

3 Responses to Reading Review Blog Post – Part B

  1. Aaron Mueller

    Your blog post was quite good, even if it was going to get too long! You’ve found some very insightful academic articles that will provide a solid foundation for your further explorations in this course. A little search on some of the social networks like twitter could prove fruitful in the future if you want to find current action based research of educators using new techniques and sharing their experiences online. Overall a solid looking collection of resources from a variety of sources.

  2. Christopher Hunt

    Hi Jackie,
    I think it was a post or comment by you in the course Blackboard area that led me to the multiliteracies videos…I found them quite useful.

    • jackie lam

      Hi Christopher,

      I’m glad that you found it useful. The more I study multiliteracies, the more I realized that we are probably teaching it without knowing it.


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