Vision Contents: Working with Uncertainty


Photo in courtesy of
That’s me, the bee on the left. After reading the comments to my last post, I decided to do a generic video for advocating collaborative inquiry. However, almost all of the scholar articles that I have read focus on teacher collaborative inquiry and why it is a more practical and productive format of professional development than the “traditional” way, such as attending workshops. As now I have broadened the range of my targeted audiences, I have to redefine my rationale which I found challenging. Originally, I chose “collaborative inquiry” as the topic for my final vision project because I would like to change the way teachers at my school community do professional development. I had a focus and a clear “mission or task” in mind back then, but now, I feel like I’m lost in an open space. Oh well, just like the other bee says, “Just pick one flower, and start from there…” I have to start at some point, so I chose to start with the learning of making PowToon video.

I watched all the videos on the Tutorials page of the PowToon website. PowToon seems to be user-friendly and I felt confidence that I could make a presentation with this tool. On the right of the page, there is a box titled “Scientist’s Tips – Before You Start Remember.” Its “Step 1 Write Script” caught my attention. The video embedded provides me with guidelines and tips on how to write a script prior to making the slideshow or video, and so I did.


*My sketch of my storyboard.

My Challenge:

I am not an artistic person, and I realized that most of the slides in my video have the format of “one picture, one sentence.” I found that a bit “boring” and I wish I could be more creative with animation. Hopefully, I could overcome this challenge as this project progress along.

PowToon in Progress:

I have started my work on PowToon and this is what I have so far:

Screenshot - Powtoon in progress

*Screenshot of my PowToon in progress.

This is a “tester,” but could also be my final product. I am hoping that once I could master all the different buttons and functions on the PowToon, I might try making a more enhanced one. But for now, I feel that I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

1 Comment

Filed under Final Vision Project

One Response to Vision Contents: Working with Uncertainty

  1. Aaron

    A decent discussion of some of the technological challenges and design issues. You are exploring many new tools, communities and ideas and sometimes it can seem daunting as you get “lost in the weeds”. Don’t worry and keep preserving. Scripting is a great strategy and will help maintain your key focus throughout the development process.

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