Tag Archives: inquiry

Library Reference Service: Evaluation of the Present & Plan for the Future

“Successful reference services for school librarians consist of three components: 1) knowledge of the library media collection, electronic information resources, and tools; 2) effective conversational skills (communication); 3) competence in selecting, acquiring, and evaluating resources to meet students’ needs. Corresponding with these three components are two basic functions of library media centre services: 1) the provision of information and 2) instruction or guidance in the use of information sources.”  (Riedling, Shake & Houston, 4-5)

Evaluation of the Current Status

When evaluating the reference services in my school library based on the above Riedling, Shake & Houston’s definition of successful reference services, I focused on two areas: 1) Staff and student use of print and online reference resources and 2) the collaboration among the teacher-librarian (TL), teachers, and students. Through my observation and interviews with classroom teachers and students, I was able to identify three areas of concern which lead to the unsuccessful of the library reference service.

1.Library Schedule

At my school is a small school with 9 classes in total. The TL entitles to 1.5 days per week at the school, and follows a “fixed or rigid schedule” (Toor & Weisburg, 55) in order to provide contractual preparation time to primary classroom teachers. Each primary class, from kindergarten to a grade 4/5 multi-aged, is scheduled for one 40-minutes period of library time per week. Each intermediate class, the two grade 6/7 classes at my school, is scheduled for one-20 minutes period of book exchange time per week. There are two 40-minutes periods of collaboration time which provide opportunities for classroom teachers to teach collaboratively with the TL. However, the collaboration time is open for voluntary signup by classroom teachers, it has not been fully utilized due to the unresponsiveness of the teachers.

Teachers and students would use the in house reference resources when they conduct research of information in the library on the day that the TL is absent at the school. When I questioned the students and teachers that I interviewed why they did not approach the TL for service, both students and teachers responded that there is no time in the fixed schedule to provide opportunity for one-on-one reference services. Teachers, in particular, expressed that it has been a challenge to find a time, before or after school, to plan for collaboration teaching with the TL. It is understood by teachers that the entitlement of the TL at the school is decided by the district, it is not a choice of the TL. The TL has done her best in providing satisfactory services, unfortunately, it is the time constrain that caused students and staffs to seek for alternatives instead of the reference services provided by the TL.

2. Print & Online Reference Resources

In order to understand students’ practice in the inquiry process of information, I surveyed the grade 6 and 7 students at my school. Only 3 out of 43 students expressed that they had used the print reference resources, such as the World Book. The rest of them expressed that they mainly use Google for their research project. When the students are questioned why they did not use the print resources, they responded in unison that the print resources in the library are outdated, and online search is fast and convenient. It is true that the reference resources are outdated. The school library houses two sets of World Book, with the latest set dated year 2008. All other reference resources, such as dictionaries, thesauri, encyclopedias, atlases, etc, are dated between 1985 to 2003. According to Riedling, Shake & Houston (2013), print reference resources should be replaced with latest edition every 5 years. In conclusion, the update of the print reference resources at my school library are far overdue.

Consequently, I asked the students if they are aware of the school library digital reference database. Sadly, none of the students is aware of the online database that they could access from home. As as result, they rely on Google for research of informations, rather than the reliable and trustworthy resource: the school library database.

3. Lack of interaction between the classroom teachers and the TL

Through conversation with my colleagues, I learned that the interaction between the classroom teachers and the TL is when the teachers drop off or pick up the class at the library, or when the teachers request for non-fiction books on certain themes. This is the TL’s first year at my school, and it is understandable that either the TL or the classroom teachers are acquaintance with each other enough to initiate collaboration. However, respectful interaction is essential in “developing the relationships that are crucial to future collaboration.” (Toor & Weisburg, 87) With minimal interaction (ex. casual chat in the staff room at lunch), trust could not be built strong enough between teachers and TL to lead to collaboration.

Rationale for change

In conclusion of the above evaluation, the school library falls short in providing updated print resources, and in providing support and guidance in the inquiry process of information. Change is unavoidable and is the key to the improvement of the reference services in the school library. Purchasing new, updated non-fiction books would be possible within the annual budget of the library, however, the chance of purchasing updated print World Book would be slight. As stated by the administrator, the district has paid for the subscription of the World Book Online, as a set of print World Book is over $1000, the district or the librarian would rather spend the money on other resources. Having that in mind when I plan for the change, I focus on improving the service instead of the physical collection. Hence, I have set two goals for the change:

  1. To advocate the library reference resources (print and digital) and services;
  2. To build relationship, initiate collaboration and work in partnership with teachers and students.

Improvement Plan

“Teacher has no reason to change. As far as they can tell, they have been doing fine without you…But of course, they do have a reason to change. You know collaboration brings better results.”  (Toor & Weisburg, 88)

Change will not happen in a day, it takes time and persistent. I anticipate the following three actions that I could do, if I were the TL, in order to see change and improvement in the reference services.

1.Advocate reference services and collaboration to the staffs

It is crucial that the teachers are aware of the resources, print and digital, available in the library; and most importantly, they are aware of the TL’s willingness and enthusiasm in collaboration. I would discuss with the administrator regarding my concerns and my rationale of change. Consequently, I would request for a time to do a short presentation at the staff meeting, preferably at the beginning of the school year.

At the presentation, I will show the in-house print reference resources collection, and demonstrate how to access the school library digital resources database using the school computer, iPads, as well as my personal laptop. I will also do a powerpoint presentation on collaboration. I have done the following powerpoint with a colleague about two years ago as an assignment for a teacher-librarianship course, with a motive to advocate collaboration to teachers.

I would like to do the presentation annually at the beginning of the school year. It could be a reminder to the staffs who have been at the school in the previous school year, or an informational session for those who are new on board.

2. Teach students about print and online reference resources

It is equally important that students are introduced to the print and online reference resources. As primary classes visit the library on a fixed schedule, they could be introduced to the non-fiction books for easy readers. Grade threes, fours, and fives could be introduced to the print and online reference resources during their designated library time. Research skills, note taking skills and iPad apps for presentation, such as PuppetPals, Book Creator, etc., could be taught during the “Read Aloud” time, which is a common component of primary library time.

For intermediate classes, I will have to make arrangement with the classroom teachers for the class to come during one of the two collaboration time in a weekly schedule. As most students responded that they solely use Google for research, it seems to be that students do not understand the differences between Google and the library database. I had posted the following video in my Theme One Blog Post.

I would show the video to my students as it clearly explains the difference between Google and the library database, the benefit of using the database, and how the TL could help. Besides the video, I will also show the students the print resources house in our library, especially the World Book. I assume that most of the students do not know how to use a World Book, I would demonstrate how to find a particular fact in the World Book. In comparison, I will demonstrate how to use the online World Book in the library online database to search for the same information.

There are other free online databases that are useful for students, for example, Google For Kids and Discovery Kids. These databases are worth mentioning and exploring as alternative online resources.
3. Be proactive

Toor & Weisburg (2007) has stated in their guide to new teacher-librarians:

“You must be the one to reach out. Do not wait for teachers to come to you, and do not expect to succeed with your first suggestion. Keep the dialogue going. If one idea is ignored, wait a while and try another.” (89)

Since I have read the guide, being proactive is my principle in initiating collaboration with teachers. After the above-mentioned presentation at the staff meeting, I would approach individual teachers, asking if there is any ways I could assist in their teaching, i.e. locating resources, suggesting digital applications, or just be a “second” teacher while students are working on individual inquiry project.

Inquiry based learning has been the school wide focus at my school for the past 4 years. All classes, including the kindergarteners, learn through inquiry. I would invite the classroom teacher and his/her class to work on their inquiry project or genius hour at the library during the open collaboration time, so I could be the second adult/teacher assisting students in their learning. Once I had build a trustful relationship with the teacher, I would initiate collaborative teaching. At the beginning, I would approach probably two to three teachers; hopefully, I could eventually outreach to all the teaching staffs, including the learner support teachers (LST).

“Re-evaluation” of Library Service

As I have said before, change will not happen overnight. There might be challenge during the process that I do not foresee at this moment. I would be persistent with the three actions set in my improvement plan, and would meet with the teachers I had previously interviewed to re-evaluate the library service at the end of the school year. In fact, the world is constantly changing, same as the student’s learning style and teacher’s teaching practice. Yearly evaluation of the library service is necessary in order to keep up with the change and achieve excellency in providing reference services.

By the end of the school year, I would consider my improvement plan a success if:

  1. An increase in use of library print and digital reference resources by teachers and students;
  2. At least two teachers work collaborative with me, the TL, on a regular basis.



Bishop, Kay. The Collection Program in Schools: Concepts, Practices, and Information Sources. 4th ed. Westport: Libraries Unlimited, 2007. Print.

Riedling, Ann Marlow, Loretta Shake, and Cynthia Houston. Reference Skills for the School Librarian: Tools and Tips. Third ed. Linworth, 2013. Print.

Toor, Ruth, and Hilda K. Weisburg. New on the Job: A School Library Media Specialists Guide to Success. Chicago: American Library Association, 2007. Print.

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Assignment Two: Reality Check on Reference Service

Time has changed

Photo courtesy of http://www.chan6es.com/psychology/category/teaching%20changes

With the introduction of new technology, new curriculum, and new school wide focus (i.e. self-regulation, inquiry-based learning, etc.), changes in teachers’ practices and student’s learning are inevitable. Some people are enthusiastic and welcoming to innovation, while others are anxious and reluctant to change. I had witnessed the process of change at my school for the last four years, and observed different level of concerns, acceptance in individuals. As I studied the concern-based adoption model, I could make connection to my observation and experience during the change at my school.

Screen Shot 2016-03-06 at 7.11.53 PM    Screen Shot 2016-03-06 at 9.47.43 PM

Screenshots of the Concern-Based Adoption Model website (http://www.nationalacademies.org/rise/backg4a.htm)

Four years ago, my current administrator came to my school and introduced a school-wide focus to the teaching staffs: differentiated instruction and inquiry-based learning. At that time, the teaching staffs consisted of 10 classroom teachers, two leaner support teachers (LST), the teacher-librarian (TL) and myself (core music teacher). Over half of the classroom teachers were veteran teachers approaching retirement, while others, comparatively, were “young” teachers with less than 15 years of experience. When the school-wide focus was first introduced at a staff meeting, it was apparent that the “young” teachers were at the informational stage of concerns and were at the orientation level of use. They requested for workshops, discussion forums, and teaching materials/ideas to experiment differentiated instruction in their classrooms. However, on the other hand, 3 out of the 5 veteran teachers were resistant to the innovation, while the other two veteran teachers showed concerns but willing to explore the new concepts. The three who resisted were at the personal stage of concerns in a negative way, questioning how their current practices different from the new idea. They were also at the non-use level of use, showing no interest or willingness to experiment the new method of instruction. As a result, there were conflicts among staffs and administrators and the veteran teachers either chose to have an early retirement or transfer to another school.

Today, four years after the school-wide focus was first introduced, the teaching staffs consist of 9 classroom teachers, two LST, a TL and myself. The two veteran teachers are still at my school, and over the past four years, they had moved along the scale and had reached the collaboration stage of concerns and renewal level of use. The other 7 classroom teachers are at different stage of concerns and level of use according to CBAM. I had interviewed two teachers regarding their pedagogies, their use of library service, and their suggestions on collaboration with the TL.

Teacher #1: Ms. I, Kindergarten/Grade 1 Teacher

Ms. I is an adventurous teacher who always volunteers to attend district workshops on new pedagogy, teaching resources or educational applications on iPads. Afterwards, she would share her learning with staffs at staff meetings. In the staffroom during lunchtime, Ms. I sometimes shares her challenges in teaching and collects suggestions/ideas from other colleagues. She definitely is at the refocusing and collaboration stages of concerns. In the past two years, she has been gradually introducing research and note taking skills to her kindergarten and grade one students through class read-aloud and discussion. In addition, she works with small group of students during literacy centers time to reinforce the skills. She has beginner readers, as well as fluent, above grade level readers in her class. Ms. I works collaboratively with the LST teacher in the planning of the literacy centers that could accommodate readers of different levels. Students have been working on inquiry project on animals in one of the literacy centers. Ms. I prepares a basket of animal books in different reading levels, and guides students individually on note-taking skills. She constantly asks the administrator, who specializes in early literacy development, for advice and new ideas/materials in developing literacy in her class. Ms. I demonstrates that she is at the top level of use: renewal.

Use of the School Library Service

Ms. I class has a 40-minutes library class once a week. Ms. I will have 40-minutes of preparation time while the class is in the library with the TL. Ms. I shared with me in our interview that the only reference service that the TL provided her was to pull out books from the shelves for the class social studies/science inquiry projects. Ms. I expressed that the reference books in the library are too difficult for her students to read independently, and it is a challenge to collaborate with the TL when the TL works only 1.5 days per week at our school. It is discouraging to know that there is no effort from either party (Ms. I and the TL) to approach each other and initiate opportunities for collaboration.

Suggestion for Collaboration

When I asked Ms. S to give suggestions on how the TL could collaborate with her in teaching practice, she shared her experience of learning note-taking skills from the teacher-librarian when she was in grade five. Ms. S suggested that the TL could teach the class research and note-taking skills instead of doing story read-aloud during library classes.

Teacher #2: Ms. S, Grade 3 – 5 Discovery Program Teacher

My school is a neighbourhood school with two streams: the regular neighbourhood program and the discovery program. A discovery class is a multi-aged class with a focus on self-regulated and inquiry-based learning. When Ms. S came to the school four years ago as a long-term substitute teacher, she was a newly graduate of the Bachelor of Education. She shared with me in our interview that her focus was on inquiry-based learning during her teacher training and practicum. Therefore, she was already at the top of the ladder according to the CBAM: Refocusing [stage of concerns] and renewal [level of use].

Ms. S believes that students should learn in their own pace and she should teach according to the student’s ability and mentality.

Differentiate learning

Photo courtesy of http://learnenglish-2016.blogspot.ca/2014/11/today-there-is-some-changes-in.html

At the beginning of the school year, Ms. S taught the class several activities for inquiry learning that they will be doing for thematic studies. As it is a multi-aged class, Ms. S prepares resources in different formats and reading level in order to accommodate the diversity of the class. As students work independently on the inquiry activities, Ms. S could work with individual student who needs assistance.

Use of Library Service

Same as Ms. I’s class, Ms. S’s class visits the library once a week for book exchange and story read-aloud. The only library reference service that Ms. S would receive from our school library is the TL gathering reference books for the class’ thematic studies. However, as Ms. S feels that our school library’s references are mostly outdated, she would borrow reference books from the public library for the students to use in class. Ms. S had encouraged students to use online reference resources listed in our school library online catalog, but students do not have the mentality and skills to evaluate if the online resources is appropriate. In order to avoid the frustration while students searching for appropriate online resources, Ms. S recommends several online resources that she personally discovered and evaluated for appropriateness. It is disappointing that there is no collaboration between Ms. S and the TL because of the limited time the TL is available at the school.

Suggestion for Collaboration

According to Ms. S, the TL never approach her to initiate collaboration opportunities; nor Ms. S would seek assistance from the TL. As Ms. S feels that after working with the same class of students for two years, her inquiry-based learning program and routine are fully developed, collaboration with the TL is not necessary.

Sincerely, I have asked Ms. S to provide me with suggestion on how the TL could provide better service to her and her class. Coincidently, same as Ms. I, Ms. S suggested the TL to demonstrate and reinforce research and note-taking skills during library classes, instead of story read-aloud.


I was impressed by the exceptional work of Ms. I and Ms. S with their students on inquiry-based learning. However, it is disappointing to discover that the TL could not work collaboratively with the teachers due to her constrain in time. Is it impossible for the TL to work collaboratively with the teachers? I believe not, but the TL has to take the initiative and before/after school time to make it happen. As I had mentioned in my previous blog post for theme one, we, as TL, should not wait for the teachers to come to us, but to reach out and take initiative in suggesting collaboration. The following video that I discovered on YouTube could be used to advocate library service and encourage collaboration.


Concerns-Based Adoption Model. Web. 29 Feb. 2016. <https://sites.google.com/site/ch7cbam/home>.

The Concerns-Based Adoption Model (CBAM): A Model for Change in Individuals.” The National Academies. 2005. Web. 29 Feb. 2016. <http://www.nationalacademies.org/rise/backg4a.htm>.

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Vision Rationale: Shaping or Re-shaping

Collaborative Professional Inquiry

Photo in courtesy of https://www.flickr.com/photos/7815007@N07/13983341233/in/photostream/

Professional development (Pro-D) is a “must do” for educators. It is important that we, educators, keep ourselves inline with the changing world, the changing curriculum, the changing pedagogy and any current educational issues. There are approximately six Pro-D days scheduled in the school year, to provide learning opportunities to educators. Teachers might attend a workshop, or do a self-directed Pro-D activity such as working on an action research, or reading academic articles, etc. Pro-D became a passive experience, and the effectiveness is questionable. Please do not get me wrong, I am not saying that attending a workshop or doing self-directed Pro-D activity individually are not effective. If the topic and issue addressed in workshop or self-directed Pro-D fits your need or the challenges that you are facing, it is worthwhile. However, I do not believe that “one size fits all” when it comes to Pro-D. Students’ learning is our ultimate goal, and I think it should be the drive of educators’ Pro-D so that our Pro-D is more practical and worthwhile. I hope to find a Pro-D format that is customized to the needs of any particular educator, or school community. When I came across “collaborative teachers inquiry,” it seems to be able to do the trick.

I like the answer of one of the interviewed teachers in the video: Why not? Why not give this new Pro-D format a try? As we encourage our students to learn collaboratively through inquiry, why not we do it ourselves? With a first-handed experience of collaborative inquiry, teachers will be able to understand and facilitate collaborative inquiry among his/her students.

My final project is to create a video to “promote” collaborative inquiry as an in-school Pro-D format. Up to date, I have decided the following contents of the video:

  1. Why should we do collaborative inquiry? (This would be my rationale as above)
  2. Using Edcamp as a reference, explain what the schedule of a collaborative inquiry Pro-D day would looks like.
  3. Suggest follow-up event(s) after the Pro-D day, for example, after school gatherings for updates.

My original plan is to advocate collaborative inquiry to colleagues. However, during my planning process, I thought the video could be designed for a broader range of audiences. As we always encourage students to learn and inquiry collaboratively, if I change content #1 from explaining my rationale to explaining collaborative inquiry and its benefits in general, the video could be used for students, or even parents advisory committee (PAC) to address concerns in school community. But if I do so, my project’s goal will become advocating collaborative inquiry in general, rather than aiming to make a change in our Pro-D practice. What should I do? Should I, or should I not make such a change in content? Please help, my PLN’s colleagues!


Marcinek, Andrew. “Edcamps: Remixing Professional Development.” Eutopia. 19 Mar. 2014. Web. 20 Nov. 2015. <http://www.edutopia.org/blog/edcamps-remixing-profesional-development-andrew-marcinek>.

“System Leaders and Collaborative Inquiry.” Capacity Building K-12 (2015). Queen’s Printer for Ontario. Web. 20 Nov. 2015.
Link: http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/literacynumeracy/inspire/research/CBS_SystemLeaders.pdf


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Inquiry #5 – Reflection of Inquiry Learning

The process of inquiry and the composing of blog posts have been a challenging, yet fruitful journey of learning for me. It is a challenging because I am currently not, and have never been a teacher-librarian. I have learned a great deal of new ideas through reading others’ blogs or scholar articles. However, they stay at the knowledge level as I could not put them into practice. There is always a teacher-librarian at my school who I only meet once at the beginning of the year. As we are both part-time at the school, our days of work do not coincide. I am eager to put my learning into practice, but I have to be caution that I do not “step on someone’s toes”.

On the other hand, as I had mentioned above, I learned a lot from others’ blog posts and from the readings during my inquiry process. It is time to reflect and summarize my learning for the past couple of weeks.

Fostering reading culture at school


Photo in courtesy of http://theharriedmom.com/tag/reading/page/2/

“Drop Everything and Read,” hidden prized in library books, rewards for reading program, creative catalog system and signage are all useful and practical ideas that I have learned to foster students’ reading at school. My takeaway from this inquiry is that the methods we use is not a matter to our students, it’s the interpersonal relationship that matters. It is important for students to feel that we are interested in what they are reading. Even a simple conversation on the content of their reading would spark their interests in reading more and share more with you.


Photo in courtesy of https://readingstrategiesthatwork.wikispaces.com/Putting+the+Pieces+Together

When I have my first assignment as a teacher-librarian, I would like to start up a reading club at lunch and school reading club blog using Blogspot or Edmodo. My goal is to provide a platform for students to share their reading, as well as a way for me to know what my students are reading.

Building personal learning network

Personal learning network (PLN) is a new vocabulary that I have learned in the inquiry process. My colleagues and I would share our ideas or teach collaboratively. I also connect with colleagues from my previous schools via social media such as Facebook and Twitter. I did not realize until recently that I have been building my PLN through socializing with colleagues after school as well as connecting with others using social media. During this phase of inquiry, I experienced ideas sharing through blog posts, and was introduced to Digg which I think is an awesome tool helping me in organizing the blogs that I am interested in and would like to be notified when there is a new post. As I reflected on my work during the last few weeks, I realized that I started this phase of learning with active participation in commenting others’ blog posts. Unfortunately, I was not consistent in my participation and soon was back to my “old self” – silently reading others’ blog posts without leaving a comment. I will continue to push myself out of my comfort zone of being an “observant,” and participate more actively in discussions on blogs or social media.

Being an educational leader

I am always anxious in being a leader, especially an educational leader. I always question myself and consider others’ ideas are better than mine. I am an novice in information communication technology (ICT) and mostly like is the one who need help from others instead of providing help to others. However, I learned from my own inquiry and others’ sharing in their blog posts, being a leader does not mean you have to be an expert on everything. A leader would have a good interpersonal relationship with other staffs at the school, an awareness of the needs of the others and would be able to provide recommendation of resources that would fulfil the needs of others. Moving forward, I would be more aware of colleagues’ work in their classes and provide suggestion of possible resources, such as iPad apps or printed resources, that would enhance learning. Moreover, I plan to join the professional development committee and help in planning school-wide professional development event. I would be more aware of professional development opportunities outside of school, such as local conferences or online resources, and make recommendations to other staffs at school. I would take small steps at a time and work towards being an educational leader.

Mobile devices use in developing literacies in developing nations

I was amazed in discovering how people in developing nations could learn literacy through the use of mobile devices. The mobile devices allow people to get access to English resources, but also resources in their mother language which are rare find in printed format. Through inquiry process, I could concluded that most organizations, whose goal is to develop libraries in developing nations, encourages the use of mobile devices. In the meanwhile, in our school communities, educators are concerning privacy issues with the use of mobile devices. Furthermore, educators might question or worry that technology might replace our practice of teaching, and eventually, students would learn independently with the use of mobile device rather than from a teacher. While I was composing this blog post, a colleague of mine shared a blog post titled “Will technology replace teachers?” on Facebook. The photo below basically provides the answer to the question.


Photo in courtesy of http://www.coolcatteacher.com/category/education/teaching/

This marks the end of the phase 2 of my inquiry learning. As we move into the next module in which we will be sharing our “Vision of the future” project, my goal is to be a more active participant in commenting on others’ blog posts, as well as responding to others’ comments on my own blog posts. I believe that I would learn more through discussions with my fellow classmates in my group.


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