another post for iphone 4s

“Your time on this earth is limited, don’t live someone else’s life, live by your vision.”
– Steve Jobs, 1955 – 2011


This phone has been receiving thousands of pre-orders. People buy this, maybe not because of the phone itself but many for the reason of Steve Jobs. However, have anyone thought about Apple seems to have known his death is arriving; thus, this improved, perfected iphone 4s is as if dedicated to Jobs.

An iphone “4” Steve.

Not that Apple can’t make that iphone 5, but the iphone 4s, is in memory of Steve Jobs.  They wouldn’t want to bring out the iphone 5 to destroy the market of iphone 4, Steve Jobs’ last invention.

1 thought on “another post for iphone 4s

  1. Your quote on Steve talking about life and death reminded me of another one that he quoted during his Standard commencement ceremony that went something like this.. “If you live everyday like it was your last, one day you’ll for sure be right.” He made so many references to life and death that it almost seemed as if he was prepared for it! Really original article, I’ve never thought of it!

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