brown bears, black bears, and the WHITE POLAR BEARS

TOMS shoes ‘ creator Blake Mycoskie, created this social enterprise in 2006 to donate shoes to children in third world countries. Many social entrepreneurs are emerging, hte business world trending to the sustainability of the world. In Sammie’s blogabout Toms, she talks about the three dimensions of sustainability, Economically, Environmentally and Socially are well allocated in their missions. Moreover, it becomes a marketing tactic, to “pull at consumers’ heart strings”.

the new icon for coke

Like many social entrepreneurs, companies are also  trending to the help the world rather than solely profiting from consumers.These cute white polar bears are saved by coca-cola company (coke)! After decades of utilizing Polar Bears as their image,  coke is finally emerging a more visible plan in donating more funds to World Wildlife Fund! They are changing all the red cans to white by visually announcing to

consumers that purchasing coke is equivalent to doing a good cause. Similar to many other companies (like Toms, pepsi and etc) turning their heads into building a sense of social responsibility. Such change is definitely not a problem for these charities but very appreciated.  Even WWF acknowledges the need of charity based foundations partnering up with  private corporations in order to presume their researches and sustainability projects. Despite knowing these companies are smartly using this friendly image to approach consumers.