The Importance of High Morale

In this post, I’ll be linking some ideas found in classmate Emilie Gibeau’s post.

In Emilie’s post, she talks about the importance of being able to foster positive change in employees. As we learned in class, through the Zappos articles, and from Professor Van Jaarsveld, there are large benefits of creating a positive organizational culture. Benefits that we looked at were increased productivity, happier office atmosphere, and heightened customer satisfaction. Another important aspect of fostering positive change and positive organizational culture is reducing costs for a firm, and thus increasing profits. As stated in this online article by Nicole Fink: “The Gallup Organization estimates that there are 22 million actively disengaged employees costing the American economy as much as $350 billion dollars per year in lost productivity including absenteeism, illness, and other problems that result when employees are unhappy at work” (Fink). If all it took to save a country’s economy 350 billion dollars was a more actively engaged employee with a positive workspace, I’ll bet it would be the number one initiative on every CEO’s to-do list.

Works Cited

Fink, Nicole. “The High Cost of Low Morale: How to Address Low Morale in the Workplace through Servant Leadership.” The Learning Edge. MSL Program, n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013.

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