Halfway Point: A brief look at three of my blog posts

Hello everyone! It is crazy to think we are halfway through the semester.

I would like to recap three of my favourite blog posts from the semester so far.

“Home is a Construct”– This post explores Chamberlin’s complex ideas around ‘home’ and the role of immigration, slavery, and colonization in constructing ‘home’. Home, especially Canada’s definition of it, glorifies colonialism and erases Indigenous history. Canada as a nation builds itself to be home to some and hostile towards others.

“Where did evil come from?”– This is a short story I wrote based on Thomas King’s story about evil in The Truth About Stories. I use certain elements from King’s story, for example, both the introduction of evil in a seemingly perfect setting and the notion that once evil is uncovered its presence can never be forgotten. My story reflects the beauty of Vancouver and how it covers up the ‘evil’ embedded in the housing crisis that allows some to well off whereas others are homeless.

“The Convolution of Stories and Truth“- This post looks at the dichotomy Thomas King poses between two creation stories, the biblical story of “Genesis” and “The Earth Diver”.  I argue that King wants us to recognize the power of stories and their material impacts. I also examine what these stories reflect on our cultures.

I’m excited to continue exploring these ideas over the next 6 weeks.


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