Standard 4.
Educators value the involvement and support of parents, guardians, families and communities in schools.
During my practicum I had great opportunities to interact with parents and caregivers of my students on a daily basis, and that enabled me to maintain a good relationship with them throughout the practicum. I valued the time with parents to communicate about their child, his or her strength, and challenges and encouraged their involvement in their child’s learning at home. The exchange of information about children at home and in school informed both parents and myself about any issues we should be aware of.
A notice of a ‘3-Dimensional Shape Show and Tell Day’ posted on the class bulletin board just outside of the classroom.
To celebrate the finish of a unit on 3-Dimensional Shape I organized a ‘3-Dimensional Shape Show and Tell Day’, which integrated a Show and Tell component and a summative assessment of a Geometry unit.
In a week advance of the show and tell day, I asked the students to go on a 3-Dimensional Shape hunt with their parents at home and bring in one 3-Dimensional shape item to do a show and tell. To inform the parents of this event, I made a notice and posted it on the class bulletin board outside of the classroom and explained the event to the parents before and after school. I thought this was a great way to encourage the parents to involve in their child’s learning at home by reviewing what their child learned at school, which would foster the solidification of knowledge in their child.
Going on a shape hunt with parents was also an opportunity for students to apply their skills and knowledge in a new but familiar environment.
In overall, 3-Dimensional Shape Show &Tell was a success. Students took pride in presenting their items to the class and talking about their 3-D shape hunt with their parents at home.
I believe effective collaboration and communication between teachers and parents enhance children’s academic achievement, motivation to study, and make learning at home and in school consistent. This example of how I encouraged the involvement and support of parents in children’s learning in school and at home is an evidence that I met the 4th BC Teaching Standard.