Twitter’s IPO released

Twitter recently released their IPO documents and in turn, provided some interesting information about their company. In the documents, it is said that Twitter gets 85 percent of its revenue from ad services and more then three quarters of its monthly users are from outside the U.S. In addition, Twitter also mentions the major risks involved with the company such as technical problems, failure to grow its user base and bad publicity.

Obviously it was not Twitter’s intention to leak this information. Like Scott mentioned in his Financial Accounting lecture, companies don’t usually release important information to the public because of the fact that rival companies can get their hands on it. Furthermore, Scott also mentioned about GAAP, or generally accepted accounting principles. In the document, it predicts Twitter will have a tough time achieving profitability on a GAAP basis in 2013 and 2014. It also reveals that Twitter was losing money on a non-GAAP basis too.



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