I recently read Nikola’s blog on Disney and their expected release of a new Star Wars movie in December of 2015. In his blog he stated the release of a new Star Wars movie would generate company profits and build a strong loyal customer segment
In my opinion, Disney is known for its ever so attracting animated films. As a result, its customer base is mainly towards young children and their love for these animated films. Of course many older audiences enjoy Disney films, but that is only because of their history with these films as young children.
With the purchase of Star Wars and a new movie to hit theaters in 2015, it looks like Disney is trying to expand its already large customer base to new heights. However, the problem with this is that Disney lovers may not be so enthusiastic about Star Wars and therefore may cause them to lose interest in the company. We see this happen ever so often when companies become so focused on expansion, that they forget about their previous customer base. Hopefully Disney will not fall under this category and continue to make their popular animated films.
Nikola Nedev’s Blog: https://blogs.ubc.ca/nikolanedev/2013/10/20/disney-finalises-release-date-for-next-star-wars-movie/#respond
Pictures: http://collider.com/star-wars-episode-7-film-dan-mindel/