Gotta Buy Them All! Response to James Liauw’s Blog

I recently read James’ Blogon how Pokemon is still popular even after so many years. He stated that Nintendo has a unique marketing strategy in which it keeps its customers loyal. Being a former player, I will admit it was a very fun and addictive game.

Nintendo has made over 60 Pokemon games, an animated TV series (14 seasons), over a dozen featured films, comic books and last but not least, an immensely depth and popular trading card game.

In my opinion, Pokemon has remained popular because it is kid approved. What I mean by this is, all children love Pokemon. The variety of Pokemon appeals to girls and boys due to the fact there are cute and soft Pokemon as well as cool and muscular Pokemon. Moreover, the phrase Gotta Catch em all also appeals to the competitive mindset that children have nowadays in which they must try to catch all the Pokemon in a single game. With these two features, children are going to keep coming back for more and more as Nintendo constantly releases new Pokemon in each of their new titles

James Sanjaya Liauw’s Blog:

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