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At the District Track Meet

Here is a picture depicting a student doing a 400 metre run at a track meet. The document below outlines the warm-up routine led by the teachers at the beginning of each track and field practice. One of the things I learned from track was to help the students improve by allowing them to observe how others do well on the same activity. Students then have a chance to discuss amongst each other what works and what doesn’t, which would in turn create a scaffolding effect for learning.

I think taking part in track and field was an interesting experience, in that I was able to see the amount of organization necessary for such an event to be successful for the entire school. This allowed me to realize that the foundation of a teaching community is built upon the contribution of all the members within. Teachers must therefore find the right balance between spending time on his/her own class and attributing to the school community, so that the students can benefit from all the resources available.

In the future, I will continue to take part in extracurricular activities such as track and field, because I believe that a truly unified school community can only be established and maintained through the involvement of every staff member. As a role model, I will also be helping my  students see what one can do to take part in a larger community. Active engagement in the profession thus creates a win-win situation for all.

Warm-up activities before students start track


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