Habitats research project – lesson plan 3
This is a picture of students reviewing the video they have taken while trying out the Flip video camera before they start filming the actual footage for their Science research project. The document below is the lesson plan which shows how technology could be integrated into the curriculum.
These artifacts are significant, in that they exemplify an area that I am most interested in education, which is technology integration. I believe that in a world where everything is being digitized, students need to be able to make use of the available technological resources to maximize their learning potential so that when the time comes for them to enter the job force they will have access to resources that will make them stand out of the crowd. Even though there is already more than enough non-digital resources for students to make good use of in terms of achieving such goals, I believe that the best method to achieve success is to practice in and be familiar with an environment that resembles one in which the students will ultimately need to compete in.
This project worked out well in the end, because most of the students were able to make good use of the technologies available to build their projects on. In the future, I will continue to use the project based approach to integrate technology into the curriculum, so that not only will students be able to achieve academic objectives, they will also attain skills that will be helpful later in life.