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Category Archives: 05: Effective Teaching Practices

An evaluation form for the students to complete for their student teacher


This is a scanned image of the handout I provided to the students at the end of my extended practicum, which includes student feedback of things they liked, things that would make the student teacher better, and any other comments that they had.

I thought this activity was very rewarding for both the students and myself, because the students had a chance to provide constructive feedback for their teacher, and I had a chance to see exactly how they felt I taught. The most rewarding part about this activity was reading how the students thought I could do to make myself a better teacher, because they were very direct in their thinking, which I appreciated very much. One interesting suggestion was to have a louder voice when I read aloud, which I had never noticed until after reading it from a student’s perspective.

My School Advisor has cautioned that this activity might not work for students at the primary level, because it puts them in an awkward position for learning. I also think this is true, and so I will definitely do this activity again if I have a chance to teach intermediate or higher grade level students in the future.

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