Bye Bye Blackberry

A few years ago, in my home country of Indonesia, I eagerly waited in the store to get my first ever Blackberry. Blackberries were considered the phone to get in my country, as everyone I knew had one. After obtaining my first Blackberry, I instantly became in love with it, and used it for 3 years. As time progressed I realized that Blackberries started to become less useful as newer phones such as the iPhone and Androids were quickly becoming more popular. Blackberry didn’t seem to be able to compete with these phones and I made the switch. I guess I wasn’t the only one who decided to do this.

Blackberry had just experienced a 965 million dollar lost due to poor sales of their new Z10 as they had overestimated the amount of phones that they would be selling. Furthermore they had to let go of 4,500 jobs to compensate for this lost and are also deciding to sell their company to their biggest shareholder. It seems that Blackberry is no longer the desirably phone that everyone wanted, due to their inefficiency to compete with their competitors. Thus in the end, resulting in their fall.

Word Count: 196


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