Gotta Buy Them All!

Pokémon is a game and a series that I had grew up with all my life. I still remember my first ever Pokémon game, as I had spent hours trying to beat gym leaders to eventually becoming the Pokémon Champion within a day or so. With the recent release of Pokémon X&Y, sales are already booming. The game sold four millions copies within the first two days of its global release. How is Pokémon still doing so well?

Pokémon’s success is not from its new features, but from Nintendo’s marketing strategy. Their strong customer loyalty determines their sales. Nintendo’s marketing attracts kids and new customers and gets them immersed in the amazing world of Pokémon! Pokémon fans are also eager to see what Nintendo has to offer with a new generation of Pokémon and new game mechanics.

With these two factors, no wonder Pokémon has always become a popular game for young 10 year-olds and college students alike. Even adults adore and cherish Pokémon as it has created an entire culture around it. I wonder how the future will be like, as new Pokémon games will always be created. Will Nintendo keep on making money, or will sales soon decline?


Word Count: 200


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