Lets Make the Switch.

Cigarettes are becoming more and more popular as young kids are starting to smoke, and its consequences are very deadly. However electronic cigarettes are becoming more prevalent in the market. These new types of cigarettes could help decrease the number of deaths from lung cancer caused by smoking.

This idea intrigues me, as smoking is widespread in my home country of Indonesia. Even elementary school kids smoke cigarettes! I always believed that a business is responsible for the health of their customers. I am a strong supporter of corporate social responsibility, and believe that all businesses should always have a strong sense in it. If cigarette firms like Phillip Morris or British American Tobacco would make a switch from tobacco cigarettes to electronic cigarettes, I believe it would create a beneficial change for these firms. It will do two things, improve the business’s image as becoming more corporately socially responsible and in turn could lead to more sales, and help cigarette companies from having to deal with anti-smoking campaigns. I believe, the switch to electronic cigarettes will become beneficial for both businesses and consumers alike.

Source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-24914473

Word Count: 185

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