Its Not About the Money : In reply to Lars Lundberg’s Blog

Lars Lundberg’s blog about accepting job offers has really appealed to me as an individual. After graduating from Sauder, I always wanted to own my own business, but before I accomplish that I’d first need to obtain job experience. Lars’ blog appealed to me because his criteria for accepting  job offers were things that I’d first consider and believe every business graduate should consider too. Most people getting into business schools would aim for a degree and pursue a job that pays the most. However can money actually buy happiness? I personally don’t think so.

This blog can be useful for individuals who have just graduated and are looking for jobs. The criteria that Lars has listed out can be supported to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. After fulfilling the physiological needs, a person would pursue other levels of needs such as social and esteem needs. As Lars’ has stated, he does not only look for the salary, he also looks for working environment and job security. As a result, money is not the only factor should help decide a person’s future job; instead we need know what makes us happy, and pursue that happiness in our future job choices.

Word Count: 198


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