Problems at Home

All my life, my home has always been in Indonesia. Indonesia is currently one of the fastest growing economies in Southeast Asia. Indonesia is a country with a great reputation for business. It has been a popular destination for people to start businesses and to invest in Indonesian businesses. However recently about less than 3 million Indonesian workers have begun a 2-day strike due to the increase in living costs and gas prices. This may look threatening for businesses, however this cycle seems to repeat itself. Indonesia has always had these problems and strikes have become a weekly occurrence in the country. Looking at Indonesia in a business point of view, Indonesia has cheap raw materials and labor force. Even if the minimum wage of labor and the prices of raw materials increase, the increase will not greatly affect a business’ costs. If an investor asked me about my point of view of the country, taking my biases aside, I would definitely recommend investing in the country even with its current problems. Indonesia even at this state is still growing and could provide many new opportunities that it would be a shame to stay away from.

Word Count: 195

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