James Yue's Comm 101 Blog

Two men looked through prison bars, One saw mud, one saw stars.

New Airport Security Technology Heralds Less Touching?

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Speaking of airport security and the deprivation of freedom of privacy, Oscar Lai discussed about the Obama’s Administration implementation of the “Pre-Check” program in order to lessen the hassle for traveling passengers. However, the catch is that this ‘benefit’ only applies to U.S. citizens who are willing to give up their personal information which may include background to previous flights

From the flier’s perspective, providing this information impulsively means that their personal data is being handed over to the government at the expense of getting to their planes quicker. Just recently at the International Air Transport Association Aviation Security conference held in Amsterdam, the “checkpoint of the future”, is a new form of security that will soon remove the pat-down altogether. There are three passageways categorized in terms of the level of risk the passengers according to their background information

Although still faced with technology-based difficulties and financial obscurities, this is a pressing step forward to allow swifter security checks and avoid personal conflicts between security personnel and fliers. Despite the attractive emergence of technology to ease troubles in our daily lives, this security protocol may insinuate that each distinct tunnel labels people which brings forth the issue of profiling


Written by jamesyuee

September 29th, 2011 at 12:07 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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