James Yue's Comm 101 Blog

Two men looked through prison bars, One saw mud, one saw stars.

Hey Solyndra, Not So “Clean” Anymore Eh?

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Political scandals, corporate scandals and celebrity scandals; we’ve heard them all. Surely, you would expect a corporation designed to invest their resources into green energy for the betterment of society would be void of these reputation-tainting claims.

The federal-backed loan of a whopping $535 million to Solyndra, a solar energy company that manufactures solar panels and other products, is now being held under investigation for partaking in accounting fraud. On top of being probed by the FBI, Solyndra filed for bankruptcy on September 6, 2011 while also slashing 1000 jobs after promising the Obama Administration that it would be generating about 4000 more.

The authorization of the loan by the Obama Administration’s  will now prompt much inquiries and harsh criticisms by the GOP. As well, one of the major investors of the solar company was Obama’s prime contributors in his 2008 election, George Kaiser. One could stir up political controversy by merely saying that Kaiser played a role in influencing and speeding up the process of the federal loan to take place. But who is really to say? The public of course has every right to be concerned now that their very own tax dollars have gone to the waste of a seemingly prospective renewable energy company

Written by jamesyuee

September 30th, 2011 at 1:37 am

Posted in Uncategorized

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