James Yue's Comm 101 Blog

Two men looked through prison bars, One saw mud, one saw stars.

Kleenex: Blowing your nose will feel two times Better

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In 2005, Kimberly-Clark, the company that owns the trademark Kleenex, obtained a reputation for being one of the largest contributors to the destruction of Canada’s boreal forests for the manufacturing and production of our daily use of products such as toilet paper, and paper towels.

As the brand Kleenex goes green, you’ll be indirectly supporting the conservation and preservation of forests. It is the first of its kind to acquire a FSC Certificate, which means that all the toiletry paper-based goods that it produces will be using fiber sources from its suppliers who will follow the “highest standards of forestry management”.

Blogger Angelina Chaplin indicates that consumers act as incentives for companies to shift towards more sustainable methods and procedures of carrying out business and to instill upon such a label. It may be the fact that Kimberly-Clark is only redeeming itself by being socially responsible for its ineffecient use of resources. However, FSC has been highly criticized for its credibility for the distribution of its certificates. It doesn’t come as a surprise that there are a strengthening number of suppliers for FSC products, but as always, the main goal is for corporations to gain that competitive edge by advocating sustainability.

Written by jamesyuee

October 22nd, 2011 at 11:20 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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