James Yue's Comm 101 Blog

Two men looked through prison bars, One saw mud, one saw stars.

Occupy Movement Isn’t All That Wrong

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As time was winding down on the United States debt ceiling settlement, I contemplated the origins of such a colossal-sized federal debt. High-status executives on Wall Street caused the sub-prime mortgage crisis which elicited an economic recession the U.S is still sluggishly recovering from today. This has dramatically increased federal spending by providing bailouts to “too big to fail” American banks and impractical stimulus bills.

Where do billions of dollars to bail out these corporations come from? The very pockets of the middle class. Tax-payer’s money is used to drag these insatiable banks that put many through the 2008 financial crisis out of the hole they dug themselves into. According to Joanna Lai’s opinion on Occupy Wall Street, it is a waste of people’s time, money and energy. I disagree because this is a step forward for society to be more aware of corporate greed and corporations’ influence in politics. The government should play a significant role in reducing the exploitative nature of the financial markets. Despite the lack of direction and demands the Occupy Movement is trying to employ, their purposes are collective. The demonstrators’ assertive stance especially on income equality, needs to be addressed and further scrutinized

Written by jamesyuee

November 2nd, 2011 at 8:02 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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