James Yue's Comm 101 Blog

Two men looked through prison bars, One saw mud, one saw stars.

Toyota’s been through many Speed Bumps

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Since the Toyota 2009 and 2010 recalls and the March 2011 Earthquakes in Japan, Toyota has still remained one of the largest producers of automobiles in the world. Toyota risky move during the 1997 to jump in on addressing environmental sustainability by moving towards the production of hybrid vehicles has fueled their sales.

Toyota’s very first mass produced hybrid automobile, the Toyota Prius, paved the way for other car companies such as Honda to enter into the market. Emerging out of this hybrid car realm, Toyota has continued to become the market leader and their continuation in the innovation process of their Prius and other hybrid vehicles has generated a lot of wealth. Toyota’s Prius has alone has sold over 2 million units since up until September 2011.


Furthermore, Toyota has been widely criticized for their lack of innovation on the appearance of most of its models on their cars, especially their Camry 2012.  However, just recently, the renowned corporation released a short teaser clip of their latest FT-86 to prove that the company has the ability to product differentiate and innovate. Toyota has definitely  gone great lengths into keeping up in the automotive industry with their inventive hybrid technology despite the bumps in the road.

Written by jamesyuee

November 22nd, 2011 at 10:30 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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