Networks and Neologisms

Hello world!

This is my UBC blog site for ETEC 540. I am really looking forward to considering the reciprocal relations between human communication needs, practices and technologies; developing an understanding of how communication technologies have changed through the course of history, with particular attention to writing technologies, and of how such changes may have influenced communication styles and genres; considering how response to different media artefacts might be influenced by the medium in which each is presented; and considering the affordances and limitations of different technologies for knowledge mobilization.

I’ve had a long interest in text and technologies, and how the idea of what text is has changed with the development of new digital networks. I finished an undergraduate with a major in Linguistics, a huge part of which was discussions of sociolinguistics, semiotics, etymology, and the way that language and textual formats change worldviews and communications. This was also in combination with a religious studies degree (which looks at the history/anthropology/sociology/media/economy/politics of religion) in which hermeneutical research played a large part of our work. I’m therefore really eager to begin diving back into this world, but using the lens of Education and Educational Technologies.

A portfolio of engagement with Text and Technologies 

An analysis of digital video as text using McLuhan’s (1988) tetrad and Latour’s (2004) Parliament of Things in a course on meta-theory and new materialism.
An infographic on the relationship between teachers, students, and text


The role of essays and lectures as educational text that shapes and defines systems for learning


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