K Miller — Economic Legacy of the MPB Infestation

Economic Legacy of the MPB Infestation

The mountain pine beetle infestation is finally slowing from its destructive peak and now the province must deal with the lasting ramifications to its heartland communities from years of misguided industry championed response decisions.

MRNM1 Facts

 The early strategy to the growing epidemic was to appreciably accelerate the AAC2 in several timber supply areas

 The MPB infestation is predicated to peak in 2015 having killed 58% of the merchantable Pine volume in the province3

 The combination of these effects has led to a structural harvestable timber deficit (and impending 33% reduction to AAC) that will persist for generations4

 This deficit will dramatically effect several forestry dependent communities where 12,000 jobs are predicted to be lost and several interior sawmills at risk of permanent closure5

 The response from the Ministry of Forests has been to examine the potential for logging previously protected timber reserve zones composed of: old growth forests, quality objective visual points, wildlife corridors, ecologically bio diverse areas, culturally sensitive reserves, and protected park lands 6

Ethical Implications

The short sighted gerrymandering threatens the long term viability of affected communities and destroys the value of competing stakeholder interests. The recommendation ultimately posits an execution solution that was responsible for exacerbating the deficit we see today. This policy decision runs counter to the long established mandate of forest management as a practice of public stewardship rather than one designed on satiating short term economic metrics.

(Words: 250)


Morally Relevant Non-Moral


Annual Allowable Cut











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