Cloud Computing With Caution

As mentioned in a blog postĀ by The Guardian, the latest in cloud computing is not for everyone and businesses should not be jumping ship so quickly as this may not necessarily lead to benefits.

The main issue observed is that some businesses see the cloud asĀ the IT solution, however, it has to be integrated into the business effectively for maximum benefit to the firm.

As mentioned in Carson Woo’s video, a significant issue is the gap in knowledge among employees. Cloud computing is still relatively new and not everyone may be familiar with it. This could lead to confusion and disruptions in the business instead of streamlining it as managers may hope.

Another issue is that some businesses try to shift everything onto the cloud – perhaps hoping for reduced costs or more efficient workflow. However, these businesses fail to tailor cloud technology to suit their needs. Often, a hybrid of cloud/non-cloud IT would be required however many businesses get caught up in the hype and inadvertently fail to maximize the cloud’s potential.

Thus, as attractive as the cloud looks for businesses, it is not always the best system to employ depending on the needs of the firm.

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