Tag Archives: mobile

Startup Success

Startups are known for high failure rates. However, startups can also experience huge success. For example, in Suzanne’s blog post, she wrote about Snapchat’s recent rejection of Facebook’s $3 billion offer to purchase the app. For an app that was only launched in 2011, the success Snapchat has experienced has been tremendous. In fact, according to Suzanne’s post, there may be “a correlation between decline in teen [Facebook] users and an increase in Snapchat users”.

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Apple and the Chinese Market

Apple is known as a dominating phone manufacturer in the industry. However, this blog post by a COMM 101 classmate, Laura, explores how despite Apple’s success, it seems to have failed to have the same dominance in the Chinese market – losing out to local handset provider, Xiaomi, by 0.2%.

Recently, it seems that Apple has realized this as well and is now attempting to become more aggressive in China.

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