Inquiry Post 4: District Wide Learning Commons – How ?

So how do we move towards a district learning commons? This is the part that I find overwhelming.
As educators we are stretched thin. Many teachers in the library are working part time, sometimes in two schools, sometimes teaching on call and in my case running a complete music program K- grade 7
When I write this down, I think wow! Am I crazy for co-running a library and running a music program. But I am no different from other Elementary School Librarians. Our time in the library has been reduced slowly over the past 10 years from a full time library open the entire day every day to 2 years ago, open only 2 days a week and now open every day in the afternoons because I am available everyday to run the library.
I believe you have to have many good quality ingredients come together to make something good.
• Make a case at the district level to support the philosophy
• Network with district Teacher Librarians to create and support the philosophy
• Collect input from teachers , parents and administration
• Create a plan: timeline, building a virtual space.
• Who is to curate and maintain
• Time – initiate, collaborate, and curate.
• Funding for curation and collaboration