In the process of developing a window into the Montroyal Library, I must address the question; Who are the participants of this website.
My goal in the development of this site is to engage the community and transform the library into a learning commons which supports inquiry, lifelong learning, collaboration, literacy and leadership. By creating this site to be a living and constantly morphing space, my goal is to open the doors to
Parents: Parents want to be connected to their children`s learning. In the primary years there are opportunities to be in the classroom but as kids get older there is a bigger disconnect with the classroom. Parents can look into the library site to see what kids are reading, what reading is recommended, how they can support their child`s learning by accessing links to educational websites,how they can contribute to the library as a learning centre.
Students: Students don`t have the freedom to access the library on a regular basis. Most students will be in the library once a week for as little as 20 minutes. Due to financial constraints on school districts we are faced with diminishing library hours which are fighting for time against fine art programs. There is no winner in this fight. Students will be able to access the library site from their classroom computers. Now that all classroom teachers have smart boards I can access the entire school . Students will be able to engage in the library in a multitude of ways. They can see what is in the library, such as featured books each week, create their own virtual bookshelf ( a trophy case of the books they`ve read), make recommendations to other students and the librarians ( a sense of ownership ),see what other students are learning through the gallery, and have opportunities for leadership ( adopt a shelf ) .
Teachers and Support Staff: I would like teachers to be able to have easier access to books and websites which support their teaching, connect their students to the library via their smartboards, dictionary, national geographic, maps, gallery, …The list is endless.
Administration – Administrators can see how people are moving in this learning environment, and perhaps be able to answer how students are inquiring, communicating, demonstrating leadership, citizenship and developing their literacy.
My hope is that this virtual window into the learning centre of the school will bring value to all members of our school community and their experience of lifelong learning.