1. What policies govern your uses of ICT in your school setting?
Students must sign a form which outlines proper use of technology in the classroom. Students are not allowed to have cell phones present during school hours. Students are responsible for monitoring laptops and making sure equipment is properly taken care of.Teachers are encourage to direct to students to appropriate websites for learning.
2. What digital technological resources do you have available for teaching and learning in your school setting? We have an Erac bundle that is purchased by the school district, giving schools access to online resources such as World Book . For Media, the school district has purchased learn360 which gives teachers access to media which is approved for use in the schools. We have smart boards in every classroom including a new one in the music room that I am very excited to use next year for the other half of my job as music teacher! The school has 2 laptop carts for 30 computers which are heavily used by our intermediate classes. A new set of i pads are expected this year to be piloted in the Kindergarten classes
3. Please provide an example of an exemplary use of digital technologies for teaching and learning that you have observed or experienced personally.
We are using our smart boards to show student made presentations regarding social responsibility. We had students in our environmental club create videos about classroom recycling procedures and how to reduce waste in packaged lunches. Students learned to effect school wide change by delivering and effective message to their peers in their classrooms.
4. Please provide an example of a problematic use of digital technologies for teaching and learning that you have observed or experienced personally.
We have had some problems with overload of the wireless systems when all classes are trying to access online resources as the same time. For our annual Terry Fox Run, many teachers will show videos to support learning about Terry Fox. The Videos will be slow to load and need to be preloaded in order for them to work in heavy usage periods.
5. Please provide a brief history of how you learned to use digital technologies (personally and professionally). I am learning as I go. We have workshops for smart boads, digital cameras, building websites, i movie, i photo. We have a very collegial and progressive staff that work together so that our school is progressing into this 21st Century learning environment. My kids help me through a lot of my difficulties with technology at home. ( they are not always patient! but they sure know alot!! )
6. How would you rate your digital technological proficiency? 0 = low level of proficiency -> 10 = high level of proficiency? Why did you give yourself this rating? I feel that I am at about a 2. I know the basics but I want to be comfortable providing new ways of learning for my students. Just learning how to use a blog today was a huge step for me. I love the concept of students continuing to share their opinions and knowledge beyond the classroom hours. My self rating is based on my confidence and ability to self teach and explore using new technologies.
7. What do you hope to accomplish in this course? I would like to become more confident using technology for my own learning and communication. I would love to be brave in implementing technology in my teaching rather that fearful.