Facebook=Big Brother?


This is taken from SmartMoney Magazine, “… the ubiquitous “Like” button. But press it or not, if you’re logged in to Facebook while surfing, it will know when you visit any site with these so-called social plug-ins, says Nicole Ozer, a policy director at the ACLU of Northern California. “Facebook can essentially track you around the Web,” she says. Facebook makes all such policies known to users, but critics wonder how many people are paying attention.

Facebook is now tracking everything we do on the web.  Are people aware? Are people concerned?  Most people will probably not stop using facebook because of a fear of their privacy being invaded.  But for a small percentage of people, this will definitely be a red flag.  For people who are very conscious of their privacy, which a lot of the older generations seem to be, this will further keep them away from Facebook and social media in general.

Most of the demographic of Facebook are the younger generation while some older generations are starting to get into it too.  But I believe news like this will close the door for the older generation and keep them away.

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