Comm 296 Ethics and Marketing on Top Pot Bakery

    Top Pot Bakery is a famous bakery in Taiwan. It is well-known for its natural, fresh ingredients and its specially made inartificial yeast. Following the trend of healthy life style, its products attract many Taiwanese customers’ attention. Meanwhile, it also uses marketing strategy such as celebrity endorsement and advertising to shape their brand image and to let more people know its features of the products. Top Pot Bakery also uses talk show as a method of enlarging and increasing its market share. Dee Hsu is a famous Taiwanese talk show host, and she always mentions the bread in her show. Therefore, the name of Top Pot is widely spread out through media. As the result of these marketing strategies, long lining-ups in front of bakery stores are a daily scene even though the prices of their products are relatively higher than others. However, during this summer (summer of 2013), some insiders revealed the fact that not every product of Top Pot Bakery is made by inartificial yeast. As a matter of fact, most products are actually manufactured with inartificial yeast. Shortly after the incident, customers felt angry about it and responded furiously, “we have the feeling of being fooled”, “they lie to us”, “we want our money back.” At this stage, Top Pot Bakery had not only used lower standard ingredients to produce its products, more severely it even deceived its customers just to benefit its own profit. From the perspectives of customers, Top Pot Bakery has broken the rule for being an ethics and trustful company, simply because they lied to customers.

    Due to the market share Top Pot Bakery has in bakery industry, Taiwanese government stepped in and asked the owner of Top Pot to seek the most reasonable and responsible solution to compensate lost of the customers and asked them to send all their products back for testing.

    This issue demonstrates that marketing strategy can definitely push a company to peak. Nonetheless, companies need to deeply think over every decision before putting it into validity to maintain the reputation at a trustworthy extent.

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