Reflection blog on “Battle of the Smartphone Brands: An Apple Loyalist Throws Down the Gauntlet” by Bryan Tenenhouse

This blog demonstrates the importance of a big factor in Marketing Field: Brand Loyalty. There is one quote from the blog says “It’s one of the only brands I can think of that I feel this loyal to and I think it’s because nothing, other than my family, my dog and my friends of course are as integral to my life as the phone attached to my hand almost every minute of every day.” This short sentence truly reflects the feeling of Bryan and also shows how he is loyal to Apple. On the other hand, this also shows how success is Apple in terms of creating customer loyalty. Once the customer loyalty has been created, it is almost 100% sure that customer will insist in buying products from that specific store. According to the blog, it says that “A recent Forbes survey confirms that while 20% of new Apple users have switched from Android to the iPhone, only 7% of Apple users have gone the other way.” This also proves that Apple’s market share is increasing and more and more people get switched and start using Apple’s products. As long as Apple keeps their products at high quality and with their well-done customer services, these regular customers will quickly change into frequent customer, loyal customer and advocates of Apple products.

Overall, this Blog shows the importance and impact of Brand Loyalty on individual and on Company. Brand Loyalty will be a useful weapon in the war of marketing if companies are on the right track.




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